Hitting a sufficient word count for SEO

Publishing high-quality, engaging Search Engine Optimized (SEO) content is essential if you want your website to perform well in the SERPs. But there has to be enough high-quality content on the page for that to happen. Web pages should have a minimum word count to build authority and trustworthiness with search engines. Knowing how many words matter for SEO and why they’re crucial is a must

How many words on a page is sufficient for SEO?

There are best practices and general SEO recommendations, however, there is no universal rule when it comes to the optimal word length for search engine optimization. The optimal word count depends on several variables, such as the purpose of the page you’re creating. 

The rule of thumb is at least 350 words are needed on a web page for SEO. According to a study by Backlinko, the optimal number of words for SEO is 1,447. But don’t expect your 1,500- or 2,000-word articles to jump to the top of search engine results pages just because of the word count. Instead, word counts should be used as a guide for creating content to help you determine if you’ve included enough information and value to justify a high Google ranking.

Why page word count matters

When it comes to search engine optimization, the importance of word count is hotly debated. A common misconception is that more words equal a better article. Others believe that the importance lies not in the number of words but their quality. 

One thing is sure – the longer your material is, the more likely it is that Google will be able to deduce what your web page is about. This allows the search engine sufficient time to crawl the page, understand the content, and rank it appropriately.

Even though longer content pieces apper to have a better chance of ranking higher in Google search results, we advise against posts that are too lengthy. If your article is primarily fluff filler content, Google will know it. Your audience will too. If your users are bored, your reader engagement will suffer and your search engine optimization will not fare well.

The content for every web page you write must be original and describe what’s on the web page accurately. The post title should be clearly connected to the web page content. 

Something to keep in mind is that lengthy web pages have plenty of room for improvement simply due to the fact that there’s more content on the page. You’ll have more room to use your target keywords without resorting to spammy tactics like keyword stuffing. Articles with a higher word count also provide more room to delve into a subject. Other content elements like headings, photos, and links can also be incorporated to improve SEO.

Final word on page word count

When optimizing for search engines, it’s essential to consider the length of your web pages and blog posts. The optimal word length for search engine optimization varies widely. Although 300-500 words are sufficient for news articles or product pages, we advise aiming for at least 1,000 words for regular blog posts. Just be careful to avoid filler and repetitive content while covering the topic thoroughly.

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