How to fix too many JavaScript and CSS file issues?

Having a site that’s quick to load is important. The speed of your site depends on a number of factors, including the number of JavaScript and CSS files. Having too many JavaScript and CSS files is a real issue that could cause you to lose all of your website’s organic traffic, revenue, and visibility in search engines. 

Discover what exactly causes the issue and what to do if your website uses too many JavaScript and CSS files before it does damage. 

How do too many JavaScript and CSS files affect a site’s performance?

Your website may benefit tremendously from your utilization of JavaScript and CSS. It can assist you with a variety of visual effects and unique capabilities. In other words, it has the potential to improve your website. 

But employing an excessive number of JavaScript and CSS files can significantly slow down your page load time. This is especially true for scripts and CSS files that are larger and need to be loaded separately.

Page load time has a huge impact on SEO rankings. The slower a page is, the farther down the rankings it will fall. 

What do I do if there are too many JavaScript and CSS files?

There are a few ways that you can go about fixing things if there are too many Javascript and CSS files.  Each one of the tactics is aimed at speeding up the page without sacrificing functionality. 

Use inline small JavaScript and CSS

Inserting JavaScript and CSS code directly into the HTML files of your website is referred to as “inlining” JavaScript and CSS. This helps to increase page speed by minimizing the number of files that need to load before your website’s pages can be displayed on the screen.

You must exercise extreme caution when utilizing this method since it may have a few unintended consequences. The size of your HTML files could become unmanageable if you add excessive JavaScript and CSS to them. If something like this occurs, you risk losing all of the speed improvements you’ve made because you’ll simply be replacing multiple files with a single, incredibly large file.

Another issue is inline JavaScript and CSS cannot be cached. The benefits of using inline styles and scripts might not be worth the cost of losing the ability to cache, which is another incredibly important method to boost a site’s performance.

Keeping these two considerations in mind, you will want to give serious thought to deciding whether or not inline JavaScript and CSS are appropriate for your website. As a second option, you may investigate the possibility of utilizing external JavaScript and CSS.

You will need to manually insert your JavaScript code into your HTML files if you decide to inline your JavaScript and CSS. The process of inlining your CSS can be made more efficient by using Autoptimize.

Merge all the JavaScript files into one

If you want to reduce the total number of HTTP requests, you should consider consolidating the content of all of your JavaScript files into a single larger file. Although this is achievable in some JavaScript files, it is not always the case. Give it a shot and see how it affects the performance of your website.

Final word on having too many Javascript and CSS files

Because so many things could be at play, it’s possible to fix the issue of having too many Javascript and CSS files without seeing a huge decrease in load time. If this is the case you’ll need to delve deeper with an auditing tool like evisio to figure out why your pages are slow to load and how to improve them to gain better ranking.

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